لعبة جميلة جدا وممتعة جدا يمكنك ان تعيش معاها فى اجواء رائعة وخيالية ويمكن ان يلعبها الكبير والصغير لانها من الالعاب التى تنمى الذكاء وتقوى الذاكرة لانها تقوم بتنشيط المخ فهى فى الاخير لعبة مفيدة جدا ستندم اذا لم تلعبها مع اولادك للمشاركة فى حل الالغاز والتركيز فى القصة الرائعة للعبة الممتعة جدا
Elephant Games, the studio that created Mystery Trackers and Haunted Hotel proudly present their latest hidden-object puzzle adventure in the innovative Surface series!
The Virtual Detective Agency is now hiring! Secure your ranking as a top detective in the world's premiere virtual reality space, sponsored by the Capsule Nexus 2000 - the most realistic full-dive virtual reality device. We're looking for a few good sleuths to investigate the cause behind the growing numbers of missing players who have become comatose in the real world. Apply today!
Dive deeper into the virtual worlds, where evil forces threaten your memories, in the bonus chapter!
Replay HOPs, mini-games, and puzzles, and collect enough flowers to unlock the Secret Room!
Download unique artwork, screensavers, music tracks, and more!
Never get lost with the helpful strategy guide!
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