الأحد، 4 ديسمبر 2016

لعبة PuppetShow: Bloody Rosie CE الجميلة

لعبة PuppetShow: Bloody Rosie CE الجميلة

لعبة جميلة جدا وممتعة جدا يمكنك ان تعيش معاها فى اجواء رائعة وخيالية ويمكن ان يلعبها الكبير والصغير لانها من الالعاب التى تنمى الذكاء وتقوى الذاكرة لانها تقوم بتنشيط المخ فهى فى الاخير لعبة مفيدة جدا ستندم اذا لم تلعبها مع اولادك للمشاركة فى حل الالغاز والتركيز فى القصة الرائعة للعبة الممتعة جدا

Big Fish Editor's Choice! This title was chosen for its high standard of quality and amazingly positive reviews from our Game Club beta testers.

ERS Game Studios proudly presents the newest installment of the PuppetShow series!

A doctor in Oldern Town has called you in to investigate the recent death of his wife. The town thinks she took her own life, but he knows that can't be the case. You're hoping this will be a simple case, but there are puppets that have other things in mind. Can you save the people of the town before it's too late, or will you become their next victim? Find out in this captivating hidden-object puzzle adventure!

See what our Beta testers had to say:
"Fantastic graphics, storyline and puzzles. This is incredible! I can't wait for it to be released to the public, I'm very certain you have a smash hit on your hands!" - Shauna, beta tester
"This is an absolutely brilliant game! ERS has upped the stakes once again with this creepy addition to the Puppet series. Some new takes on mini games as well. Cannot wait for this to be released. It's a big YES from me!!" - Janet, beta tester

Unravel more of Oldern Town's mysteries in the Bonus Chapter
Replay challenging HOPs and mini-games.
Unlock colorful surprises in the collection mini-games!
Consult the helpful strategy guide.
Enjoy wallpapers, concept art, and more!


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